Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Catriona/Courting the Rose

Alright. So! I let you know about one of my characters I'll be playing in Erovial. However, I've decided to bring in another and tie it into the writing project I'm working on right now, Courting the Rose. 

Her name is Catriona Ryanne (based on my main 'voice', Saidrym). She's the youngest daughter of a noble family settled in Elen'ri and [will be] the Baroness of Thanisol. 

She is a well-skilled healer and a Captain in the militia against the warring forces in the West. There is a great deal more information about her on her profile in the forums, if you're interested.

While she will be played in the going-on's of Erovial, I will be writing her main story as well, as I mentioned before. It's something that I'm investing a lot into; the words flow freely and they even change on their own accord from what I had planned at times. I'm having a great deal of fun with it.

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

I scream, you scream, we all scream for... forum RP?

Yes, ladies and gents, that's right. Forum RP. 

I, and mom, have scoured the internet looking for active, mature, developed forum RP and it just doesn't seem to exist anymore. So, we decided to make our own! 

Storyteller's Guild of Erovial

The setting is in the world of Erovial; more accurately, in a place called Moon Bay. Everything in the roleplay and story writing is going to be completely free-form and original. Sure, we'll take elements of other universes and concepts to incorporate, but there are no dice rolls, no system rules, no preset lore.

Everything is up to the players.

I have pondered all day about the character that I would be starting with and if I would start with just one and bring others in later or start with many. I have a plethora of varying concepts that I would like to use - random things that I've thought of, D&D characters that never got to play to their full potential, or a spin-off of one of my own personal voices (what I so affectionately call my consistent characters that I tend to morph, twist, and shape to different settings).

However, I have decided on Kalysto Livia Tisiphone (shown here).

She's a youngin', only in her late teens. She was recently orphaned by the only parental figure that she had in her life for as long as she could remember, even if he wasn't her father. Kain ingrained the ideals into her as she grew, teaching her to care not for the gods, protect herself, stand for justice, and deliver retribution whenever the time called for it. While she is still very young, she drew a great deal of wisdom from Kain before he died. She feels lost and without direction and is trying to find her way in Moon Bay.

Saturday, April 20, 2013


Hello and welcome to Black Ink and Parchment! This is the creative blog where I will talk about current writing projects, character concepts, and role-play sessions. 

If you don't know, my sister blog is The Rest is Still Unwritten. That's where I post about life, love, jobs, family, friends, and everything in between. As a fair warning, that blog and this both contain strong language (a lot of it) and mature themes, so proceed with caution. Or just throw it to the wind. Either works for me.

I am currently working on three separate stories. One is set in modern day with a supernatural twist. The other two are set in a free-form world; one is about a fierce female warrior/healer and her courtship with one of the kings of her land and the trials that go along with it, while the other is a very long-term "block" project that I'm going to be working on with a friend. 

I am going to be setting up a forum roleplay, along with my best friend and my mom, and will be discussing the story of that and the character concepts that I will be potentially playing.

I am an avid fan of pen and paper RPG's as well, and will use this space to brainstorm random concepts for future use and concepts for others.

I hope that you all thoroughly enjoy my creativity and I welcome all and any questions, comments, feedback, and constructive criticism. 
